VMA’s mission is to provide high-quality Assessment, Advocacy, and Tutoring Services.

woman at work tired home computer coffee

Wisdom and Guidance

Guidance that considers imperative foundational skills, strengths, goals, and challenges.

VMA strives to lead, influence, and inspire parents to conquer childhood milestone challenges and understand the underlying factors that influence them.

kids sit on floor blocks alphabet

Strategy and Structure

VMA assists parents struggling to find the right resources to gain skills successfully and efficiently.

VMA provides structure and the expertise to recognize how to incorporate the ‘just right resources’ into everyday life’s natural occurrences.

mom and kid learn homeschool kindergarten proud

Mentorship and Empowerment

Generations that are generated by wisdom lead to mentorship and empowerment for lifetimes to come!

With VMA, you will discover the power of knowledge and companionship. As you advocate alongside a child who is no longer struggling, you will be empowered to not only learn but thrive!